Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"Find 'Real' Success In Network Marketing!"

Why is it that some people have GREAT success in Network Marketing while others struggle? Do the so called "Network Marketing Gurus" have some "secret" they are not sharing? Do these successful people have some "special gift," or something that no one else has?

Well, Folks, the answer to these questions is an absolute "No!" No "secret!" No "special gifts!"

When you first got started in Network Marketing you were told to set goals and to be active in personal development (Motivational Books, CD's, Motivational Seminars, etc.), as well as company events, presentations, and meetings. You were also told that it was best to be a good student of the industry and learn all you can.

While all these things are necessary, and thousands do them, most never seem to get their business off the ground.


Well..........I would like to ask you a couple of questions:

1. Are you coachable? I mean really coachable.....not just sometimes coachable!
2. Are all the Network Marketing tools and information you could ever need and want available to you 24/7?

I know for a fact that you can answer both those questions with an absolute "Yes!"

Now..........We are all intelligent beings! Isn't that true!?! And, I am sure you are very capable of doing all the Network Marketing tasks set before you. So, if that's the case, then what the "Hey" does it take to get it all dialed in so that it works to your advantage!?!

In his book, "Think & Grow Rich," Napolean Hill writes about "DESIRE" being the starting point of all achievement, and even being the first step toward riches. Mr. Hill goes on to say, a burning desire to be and to do is the starting point from which the dreamer must take off."

I am sure you have heard that it's not the "How," but the "Why" that really matters in Network Marketing. But, most don't focus on their "Why" with the real intensity that it needs! And, most have never really been told about the "Why," so they don't really know how to discover it, massage it, and then ultimately manifest it.

It all starts with "DESIRE." "Deep seated" desire. --- Deep seated in your heart and mind. This kind of desire is that "thing," or ultimate destination, that you want with such intensity that you are willing to do anything for it, no matter how frightening, difficult, or expensive it is.

Yes! It is that deep seated "DESIRE" that gets you past anything that stands in the way of achieving your "Why." --- Your ultimate desire --- That "thing" that ensures your success.

See..........If you can determine what your "Why" really is and write it down, and then read it aloud daily, once before retiring and once upon arising, you will eventually achieve your "Why" and Find 'REAL'" Success In Network Marketing." You need to bombard your spirit with nothing but positive affirmations.

I would now like to share with you my "Why."

"My 'Why' is to have financial freedom by March 19th, 2010. I see myself spending "super" quality time with my wife, children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. I see my family duplicating my success and empowering others to do the same. I see myself coaching and mentoring thousands in reaching their goals and desires. And, becuase of my financial freedom I see myself and my family reaching out to those in need - children - families - communities. I see myself and my family giving back, and making a real positive impact on peoples lives. I am achieving my "Why!" And, it's AWESOME! I am flying like an eagle!"

Please remember that it is that "Deep Seated 'Burning DESIRE'" that is the starting point of all achievement. It is that "Deep Seated 'Burning DESIRE'" that will assist you in achieving your "Why." It is that "Deep Seated 'Burning DESIRE'" that will assist you to "Find 'REAL' Success In Network Marketing!"

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!"

Lou Everett, Sr.

NOTE: If you would like one on one coaching please send me an e-mail with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All rights reserved.

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