Friday, January 20, 2006

"You Have No Excuse!"

How's your Network Marketing business going? If you are not setting the world on fire, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Network Marketing is a fantastic business because it allows you to leverage your own hard work to create a large and profitable organization. But the price you pay is this..."No one will do it for you!"

Yes, your upline and your downline and the company will all be willing to help you in their own ways, but YOU are the person responsible for YOUR success. To be successful, you must take full responsibility for your success. Network Marketing, unlike many other kinds of business, will easily allow you to do that. But the point is -- you must do it.

Are you afraid of failing? Well, if you fear failure, that's exactly what you will get -- failure. Fear and desire are the two most powerful motivating forces we have. In many circumstances fear is appropriate. It can save our life. But in reaching for success, we must be without fear. We must be motivated by our desires, not our fears.

You see…we are constantly moving toward that thing which we think about the most, whether we want it or not. If we are always worried about failure, it is always in our mind and in our subconscious, and we will naturally move toward it.

Instead, we should concentrate on our desires, our vision of our own success. As we focus more on that desire for success, we will naturally move toward that goal.

Realize this à Failures are the building blocks to success! You may get 20 NOs before you get a single YES. But you have to go through the NOs in order to get to the YESes. The NOs aren't failures, they are just steps on the way to a YES. When you get the first “No!”, don't get all discouraged and think that the world is unfair. Just think: "Only 19 more to go and I'll have a YES!"

Are you retailing?

In Network Marketing we sometimes get a big head and think that retailing is beneath us…as a business builder we are always looking to sponsor, sponsor, sponsor. But the powerful secret to Network Marketing is this à Duplication!

The ability to duplicate our efforts in others, and for them to duplicate us in still others, and so on, is what allows Network Marketing organizations to grow quickly and profitably. But if you are just concentrating on sponsoring, then you will create a large downline of distributors who don't sell any product. Now what good is that going to do you? If you don't retail, your downline will follow your example and your volume will be negligible.

This indusrt won't work if you don't believe in your product. It should be the easiest thing in the world for you to talk about.

So, talk about it, to everyone you come in contact with, and you will build a retail base that will start to generate excited, profitable distributors.

“Assisting People To Success – One Heart At A time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Women In Network Marketing

Are there differences in the way men and women approach Network Marketing?


Is one way better than the other? Probably not!

However, each could learn from the other. All you guys out there, listen up. We can learn something from the women about how to succeed in Network Marketing.

First, networking requires building rapport and trust quickly. Women are generally much better at this. Some of you men are getting in touch with your feminine side and are becoming better at this.

Women tend to be more emotional and can touch another person's emotional side quicker. This builds a solid bond that is hard to break. Men tend to be like a bull in a china closet, powering in for the close.

The key here is to understand the primary reason why a prospect might be interested in Network Marketing and then cater your approach to that emotional need.

Second, women are better encouragers. They make great Network Marketing leaders, because they understand what motivates their people and uses that to keep them excited.

Women have a softer approach, which tends to appeal to people better than a man's harder, less caring approach.

Women are also better at nurturing relationships. Men are more into competition and winning, while women are into creating win-win situations. In each situation, evaluate how you can create a win-win situation with your prospects.

Third, on the whole, women bring a higher level of integrity to Network Marketing. Without their influence, this industry might be an "anything goes" business. Men would focus on conquering and winning. That's contrary to the networking principle. Here we want to share, nurture, and encourage people to success.

Although network marketing is still dominated by men, for quite a few years now women have been making their move.

There is plenty of room up at the top for all of us, both men and women.

So, Let's learn from each other, become better people, and build the greatest industry in the history of the world!

”Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Positive Mindset. . . The "Key" to Success!

There is no question we live in a land of opportunity. Many average people, with no particular advantage in life, have become financially secure and even outright wealthy through MLM. Nevertheless, despite the equal opportunity available to all, only a small handful actually realize the potential of network marketing.

When we examine those who succeed and compare them to those who don't succeed, its difficult to discern a difference between the two. Let's just call them winners and losers for ease of comparison and scrutiny. The term "loser", in this context, is not meant in the colloquial derogatory meaning but is only meant to describe a person who doesn't succeed, i.e. one who fails to attain his/her potential.

Winners don't seem to be any more intelligent than losers, nor do they seem to be any better educated. Social status doesn't seem to be a factor either. When you come right down to it, the profile of the average winner and the average loser is the same....except for one thing. Winners have a positive mindset....losers are, almost without exception, negative people.

First, let's look at those people with a negative mindset. One thing they all seem to have in common is that they don't identify themselves as being negative. They would, without hesitation, describe themselves as positive people. That's one of the great weaknesses in human beings; they are generally unobjective, especially about themselves.

The most obvious losers we meet are those who don't join any MLM company in the first place. Right off the bat, they fail to recognize a good opportunity when it is presented to them. They immediately compile a mental list of all the reasons the business won't work and why they won't succeed. They can readily be identified by such phrases as:

(a) I don't have time
(b) My friends wouldn't even look at this
(c) It sounds too risky
(d) Leave it with me; I'll look it over when I find the time
(e) Contact me in about six months
(f) I have no money to invest
(g) It looks like a pyramid scheme (even though they haven t read the material)

In short, they will search for any excuse they can find to deprive themselves of any chance of success.

Notwithstanding the above, a great many losers do find themselves enrolled in MLM companies. Perhaps the company promotional literature convinced them or the upline who introduced the opportunity to them was a super salesperson. These people become distributors with great hopes and dreams, but down deep they are still losers. Their negativity still rules their mind and they really don't expect to succeed.

The positive person will likely succeed in any endeavor they tackle, providing they are of at least normal intelligence and think before they act.

Winners are perceptive! They recognize great opportunities and realize their potential. Losers are not perceptive. They not only fail to recognize opportunities but even ignore the opportunity when its presented to them. Winners, due to their positive mindset, think of all the reasons why they will succeed! Losers, with their negative mindset, compile a list of reasons why the business won't work and why they will fail. Winners are persistent! If their plan doesn't work at first they will persevere until they succeed. If one tactic doesn't do the job, they'll try another and another until they hit pay dirt. Losers always surrender. If things don't work at first, they'll give up immediately.

Most important of all, winners expect to succeed while losers expect to fail. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whatever your expectations, they will generally come to pass. The positive person, in order to accelerate their success, must develop a strategy to neutralize the negativity they encounter in their customers and prospects. All you have to do is find a way to allow people to help do themselves a favour and experience a bit of success. The upline person who can achieve this through support, encouragement, example, assistance and direction, will themselves be the most successful!

Author: By Peter Szkraba

“Assisting People to Success – One Heart At A Time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Art of Networking

Networking is a proven strategy for building your business, and experienced business people know that anything is possible through networking. Because it is a very creative process, it’s one of the easiest and most effective ways to market yourself and your business as a successful Entrepreneur.

The key to networking is cultivating relationships and sharing ideas, information, and resources. This is a two-step and two-way process.

The first part is to let people know what you do and why they should come to you to do business. Learning how to “toot your own horn”...sharing your expertise and what you a clear, assertive way is essential.

The second part is to listen to what others have to share--what is their area of expertise and what products and services do they offer. Your intent is to set up a “win-win” situation where all parties benefit from the exchange, whether immediately or sometime in the future.

The universal law of giving, as referred to by Deepak Chopra in his Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, can be seen in action through effective networking. “The universe operates through dynamic exchange . . . giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy. In our willingness to give that which we seek, we keep the abundance of the universe circulating in our lives.”

The two key words for successful networking are ‘planning and personal.’ That means planning and making contacts for professional and personal gain. Networking has to be planned to be effective…it doesn’t just happen…and quality networking only happens when supportive personal relationships are built.

Networking is a 24-hour-a-day process. You are always on the lookout for people to include in your network, and on the lookout for formal and informal networks you can join. Understand that networking may not provide immediate benefits. It may take a little while to see the results of your networking efforts, or you could be pleasantly surprised at any moment by an important phone call from someone you connected with.

So what are the important steps to creating a warmly successful networking relationship?

First, take time to prepare for any upcoming presentations and/or meetings, plus other events. Realize every event is an opportunity to network. You “always get what you expect” so make the most of every situation, whether it is a familiar group or a totally new group, ore even an individual you are approaching for the first time.

One basic networking principal to remember is that we are all equal, whether you are currently ‘in transition’ or the CEO of an expanding business. Make sure your “attitude is right” – that you are excited about your intent to meet new people and then be open to new opportunities. Always have plenty of promotional materials and current exciting news to share. Have extra business cards and sizzle cards with you at all times. You never know where your next best lead is going to come from

Take the time to develop your “art of networking,” and realize it’s a wonderfully creative process. Each of us has wonderfully unique gifts to share with others. Move beyond your shyness and take full advantage of all the networking opportunities that come your way…..opportunities to promote yourself and your business.

“Assisting People to Success – One Heart At A Time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 16, 2006

"Ebooks are Promotional Powerhouses!"

In NetworkMarketing and other business venues Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. Ebooks are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge.

Each day the number of people accessing the Internet grows, causing the exposure of your ebook to increase incrementally. It's obvious why electronic self-publishing has become so popular so quickly.

The publishing industry, I hope, does not intend to forever banish the printed word to the dust bin of history. Books in print have their own special qualities and merits, and the world would be
diminished by their disappearance.

Having said that, let's look at what makes ebooks so important and so unique. Ebooks have certain abilities and qualities that other mediums do not possess.

For example, ebooks are fairly easy to produce, and their production cost is inexpensive. Just think about it: You don't need a publisher, an agent, a printing press, offset film, ink, paper, or even a distributor.You just need a great concept, the ability to write it or to hire a writer, and the right software.

Additionally, ebooks are easily and rapidly distributed online. They are also easily updated; they do not require a second print run. All you need is to go into your original creation and modify the text or graphics. Because of this flexibility, ebooks can change and grow as fast as you can type.

Ebooks are also immediately obtainable. You don't have to go to a bookstore or search through endless titles at an online bookstore. All you have to do is download it from a website, and presto! It's on your computer, ready to be read.

Ebooks can be interactive. This is one of the most unique and specific qualities that ebooks offer. You can add surveys that need to be filled out, order forms for customers to purchase your products, goods or services. They can include sound and video that draw your reader into the virtual world of your ebook, even direct links to relevant sites that will expand your ebook outward. The potential is virtually limitless.

Ebooks have a particular kind of permanence that other mediums do not possess. Television shows and radio shows air once, and then may rerun a few times. Ebooks remain on your computer for as long as you choose, and they can be read and reread whenever you choose to. They can even be printed out and stored on the shelves of your traditional home library.

Another wonderful quality is that ebooks have no barriers in terms of publishing. You don't need to go through the endless process of submitting yourmanuscript over and over again, and then once you landan agent, having the agent submit your manuscript over and over again. Nor do you have to shell out thousands of dollars for printing a self-published book.

All that ebooks require is a writer and appropriate software. Figure out your market, write your ebook, post it on your website, and with a little business savvy, your audience will come to you.

Finally, you have creative control over your ebook.You don't have to compromise with an editor or the publishing trends of the time. You don't have to haggle with a designer or wait for copy edited galleys to arrive by snail mail. You are in complete control of the design and the text.

You can also use ebooks for Marketing and Promotion.There are innumerable ways to use ebooks to promote your Network Marketing business, or any other business for that matter, and drive quality traffic to your website.

Once posted on your site, you can turn them into a daily course, which brings your customer back to read the next chapter. You can use them as a free gift for making a purchase, joining your team, or for filling out a survey.

Put your ebook on a disc, and you will have an innovative brochure. Blow your competition away by inserting the disc into your sales packages, or just hand them to your prospect like you would a business card.

The most effective marketing products are those that are unique. Copyright your ebook, and immediately, you have a powerful tool, that you, and you alone can offer to the public. People will have to visit yoursite to acquire your ebook, which increases the flowof quality traffic and the potential of sales and affiliate contacts and prospects.

Make sure that you keep your ebook current. Update it frequently as the market and trends change. Add new advice and techniques to show your prospects how your goods, services, or program can enrich their lives.

By constantly keeping abreast of new trends and techniques, you can continue to see profits from your ebook for years after your original creation.

Another phenomenal advantage of ebooks is that you can test their marketing potential without putting outhardly any cash at all. You can even produce an ebook one copy at a time, each time you receive an order, eliminating the need for storage and inventory. By this method, you can gauge the saleablity of your ebook, and make adjustments as necessary until the orders start pouring in.

Ebooks allow you to learn about your market and customer habits and motivation over a period of time, without risking your precious financial resources. They also provide you with an invaluable way to gather marketing information, which you can use in many different facets of your business.

Use your ebook to discover what the specific goals and problems are in your specific industry. Then figure out how to solve these problems, and publish an ebookwith this invaluable information. This will increase the value of your business, upgrade your reputation, and get you known as an expert in your field.

You can extend the value of a single ebook by breaking the book down into chapters for a serial course, into special reports available on your website, or into audio or visual tapes.

Ebooks can be broken down into several different promotional materials by excepting some of the articles and using them to promote your product, services or program. You can include a catalog in your ebook to promote all your products, services, and offers.

You can include a thank-you note for reading your book and an invitation to download a trial version of another product or service. Or you can include a form for your prospect to contact you for further information, or with questions, thereby building your business relationships and your mailing list.

Using ebooks in this manner helps to cut the cost of individually producing separate promotional materials.You can use a single ebook to entice new prospects and to sell new products to your current customers.

No other medium has this kind of flexibility and ability for expansion. Think of your ebook like a spider spinning a beautiful and intricate web.

Now go and create that ebook and see how many customers and prospects you can catch! You'll be amazed!

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 13, 2006

"To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABCs"

A - Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.

B - Believe in yourself.

C - Consider things from every angle.

D - Don't give up, and don't give in.

E - Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

F - Family and friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.

G - Give more than you planned to give.

H - Hang on to your dreams.

I - Ignore those who try to discourage you.

J - Just do it!

K - Keep on trying. No matter how hard it seems, it well get easier.

L - Love yourself first and most.

M - Make it happen.

N - Never lie, cheat or steal. Always strike a fair deal.

O - Open your eyes, and see things as they really are.

P - Practice makes perfect.

Q - Quitters never win and winners never quit.

R - Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

Q - Quitters never win and winners never quit.

R - Read, study and learn about everything important in your life.

S - Stop procrastinating.

T - Take control of your own destiny.

U - Understand yourself in order to understand others.

V - Visualize it.

W - Want it more than anything.

X - Xcellerate your efforts.

Y - You are unique of all of God's creations. Nothing can replace you.

Z - Zero in on your target, and go for it.

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 12, 2006

"Characteristics of the Self Disciplined Achiever"

1. Strong, well defined sense of purpose. Will go to any lengths to achieve that purpose. Is committed.

2. Seeks out and uses positive role models (ie: mentor).

3. Strength of imagination. Uses visualization to achieve goals.

4. Positive sensory orientation. Positive attitude.

5. Doesn't have a fear of failure. Self assured.

6. Can plan and organize.

7. Ability to acquire knowledge and skills in order to make a goal achievable. Doesn't take shortcuts.

8. Is patient. Knows that accomplishment takes time.

9. Persistant. Will not give up. Relentless in their pursuit of their goal.

10. Ability to experience pleasure while working toward their goal.

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"Taking Risks! Should I?"

There is risk in any undertaking, and it is wise to minimize risk whenever possible. Yet to avoid risk completely is the greatest risk of all. When you move forward, there is always the possibility of defeat. Yet if you never move forward at all, then defeat is certain.

There will always be plenty of excuses for standing still, for not taking action. But excuses offer no comfort or refuge when viewed in the unrelenting light of reality. What matters is what is done, what is undertaken and what is achieved.

Courage is not the absence of fear. Those with the most courage also know the greatest fear. Courage is the determination to act in the face of fear, the ability to learn from fear, to be energized by fear, and to use that knowledge and that energy to move successfully through the fear.

Action does not assure success, and yet directed, focused action is the only way to achieve success. We live and grow and prosper and find fulfillment because of the risks we have taken, because of the challenges we have accepted, because of the fears we have transcended.

Life is a process of successfully dealing with uncertainty. Our bodies are designed for it, our minds are made for it, and our spirits are energized by the challenges of moving positively ahead, whatever the risks may be.

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

"How To Turn A Negative Into A Positive"

One of the first steps in turning a negative into a positive is finding something for which you can be thankful.

For example, when someone criticizes you, the natural reaction is to get a little angry, resentful and defensive. But, consider what would happen if you could, instead, genuinely say "Thank you!" When you can find a way to say thank you for criticism, you can find something positive to learn from it.

Being truly thankful forces you to consider the positive possibilities, whatever the circumstance. Though the situation may be distressing, there is always a positive way to move forward from it.

Yes, it is difficult to be thankful when you're in pain, yet gratitude can begin to truly ease and extinguish that pain. When things are at their worst, is when you need most the strength of your blessings.

Being thankful, and draw strength from those blessings. Practice gratitude, even in the midst of despair, and it will open your eyes to the positive possibilities all around you.

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Monday, January 09, 2006

"Are You Limiting Yourself?"

Self-limiting beliefs are based on fears and doubts that hold you back from doing things you want or need to do. These negative thoughts dwell on your lack of ability, limited smarts , inferior looks or, substandard skills and creativity. In other words, they see your potential as a glass half empty.

When you doubt yourself, you give power to these beliefs. The more you repeat those beliefs in your head the more powerful they become.

One of the most important decisions you can make is to challenge those self-limiting beliefs, to refuse to accept them as the truth. Self-limiting beliefs exist only in your mind. The reality is that you have the talent, intelligence and creativity to do great things.

Believe that as truth, and your life will change forever!

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Saturday, January 07, 2006

"Your Priorities!"

Your priorities are determined, not by what you say they are, but by what you are willing to pay for them. The value you place on each priority is equal to the amount of value you are willing to invest in that priority.

If you're not willing to make an investment in a particular priority, it's not really a priority. To have anything of value you must be willing to pay for it. The payment can be in time, money, or in some other kind of value.

Look carefully at the things you consider to be your priorities. For each of them, ask yourself an important question. What are you willing to give up, what are you willing to sacrifice, what are you willing to invest, what are you willing to do to further that priority?

It's easy to say you have certain dreams, goals and ambitions. It takes more than just claiming to have a dream if that dream is to be realized.

Look at the things you desire in terms of the price you're willing to pay for them. That's how you'll discover your true driving desires, and that's how you'll begin to make them real.

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart t A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 06, 2006

"Your Life Is Yours! Right?"

Your life is yours! Right?

You won it, and what you make of it is purely up to you.

Others may support you in your aspirations, but in the end it's your creation. You are your the
one and only boss, and with that awareness comes a special responsibility.

Once you accept this responsibility and stop waiting around for others to make you happy you
will become unstoppable. There will be no denying you. Your life will change, and all because of

So, turn on the green light and go! It's time to Rock N Roll!

It's "YOUR Life Is Yours! RIGHT?"

"Assisting People To Success - One Life At A Time!" SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Network Marketing - “Being In Control!”

You are only in control of the things that YOU do! You are NOT in control of what someone else does!

You control how many prospecting calls you make! You do NOT control whether they answer, or call you back!

You are in control of presenting yourself and your opportunity in a fine way! You are NOT in control as to whether or not your prospect likes what they see and hear, or whether or not they join your team!

You are in control of training and being there for your team! You are NOT in control of whether they call people and build there businesses, or not!

You are in control of calling your team members! However, you are NOT in control of your team members calling you!

You are in control of setting your schedule, sticking to it, and not allowing non-emergencies to get in the way! You are NOT in control of other people’s schedules and making sure that they are there for their scheduled appointments!

You are in control of your attitude and your positive thinking! You are not in control of other people’s attitudes and their negative thinking!

You are in control of getting on training calls, reading self improvement books, and always learning! You are NOT in control of other people doing the same!

You are in control of ensuring that you are laser focused, in a position of strength, and maintaining posture! You have NO control as to whether others do the same!

You are in control of offering your prospects the gift of freedom. You are NOT in control of them accepting your gift!

You are in control of staying away from the roller coaster of life and business. You are NOT in control of the reality of tragedy…..or, people saying “No!”

You are in control of having a champion mindset! You are NOT in control of others who chose to have a whiner or a loser mentality!

You are in control of being a person of high integrity! You are NOT in control of anyone else’s integrity!

Certainly, it’s best to focus in on the things we have control over and NOT the things we absolutely cannot control. Surely, this will cut way back on being disappointed when our expectations may be too high!

Yes! Focusing on the things you have control over will definitely aid you in achieving your goals and dreams.

“Assisting People To Success – One Heart At A Time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved