Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Positive Mindset. . . The "Key" to Success!

There is no question we live in a land of opportunity. Many average people, with no particular advantage in life, have become financially secure and even outright wealthy through MLM. Nevertheless, despite the equal opportunity available to all, only a small handful actually realize the potential of network marketing.

When we examine those who succeed and compare them to those who don't succeed, its difficult to discern a difference between the two. Let's just call them winners and losers for ease of comparison and scrutiny. The term "loser", in this context, is not meant in the colloquial derogatory meaning but is only meant to describe a person who doesn't succeed, i.e. one who fails to attain his/her potential.

Winners don't seem to be any more intelligent than losers, nor do they seem to be any better educated. Social status doesn't seem to be a factor either. When you come right down to it, the profile of the average winner and the average loser is the same....except for one thing. Winners have a positive mindset....losers are, almost without exception, negative people.

First, let's look at those people with a negative mindset. One thing they all seem to have in common is that they don't identify themselves as being negative. They would, without hesitation, describe themselves as positive people. That's one of the great weaknesses in human beings; they are generally unobjective, especially about themselves.

The most obvious losers we meet are those who don't join any MLM company in the first place. Right off the bat, they fail to recognize a good opportunity when it is presented to them. They immediately compile a mental list of all the reasons the business won't work and why they won't succeed. They can readily be identified by such phrases as:

(a) I don't have time
(b) My friends wouldn't even look at this
(c) It sounds too risky
(d) Leave it with me; I'll look it over when I find the time
(e) Contact me in about six months
(f) I have no money to invest
(g) It looks like a pyramid scheme (even though they haven t read the material)

In short, they will search for any excuse they can find to deprive themselves of any chance of success.

Notwithstanding the above, a great many losers do find themselves enrolled in MLM companies. Perhaps the company promotional literature convinced them or the upline who introduced the opportunity to them was a super salesperson. These people become distributors with great hopes and dreams, but down deep they are still losers. Their negativity still rules their mind and they really don't expect to succeed.

The positive person will likely succeed in any endeavor they tackle, providing they are of at least normal intelligence and think before they act.

Winners are perceptive! They recognize great opportunities and realize their potential. Losers are not perceptive. They not only fail to recognize opportunities but even ignore the opportunity when its presented to them. Winners, due to their positive mindset, think of all the reasons why they will succeed! Losers, with their negative mindset, compile a list of reasons why the business won't work and why they will fail. Winners are persistent! If their plan doesn't work at first they will persevere until they succeed. If one tactic doesn't do the job, they'll try another and another until they hit pay dirt. Losers always surrender. If things don't work at first, they'll give up immediately.

Most important of all, winners expect to succeed while losers expect to fail. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Whatever your expectations, they will generally come to pass. The positive person, in order to accelerate their success, must develop a strategy to neutralize the negativity they encounter in their customers and prospects. All you have to do is find a way to allow people to help do themselves a favour and experience a bit of success. The upline person who can achieve this through support, encouragement, example, assistance and direction, will themselves be the most successful!

Author: By Peter Szkraba

“Assisting People to Success – One Heart At A Time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

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