Friday, January 20, 2006

"You Have No Excuse!"

How's your Network Marketing business going? If you are not setting the world on fire, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Network Marketing is a fantastic business because it allows you to leverage your own hard work to create a large and profitable organization. But the price you pay is this..."No one will do it for you!"

Yes, your upline and your downline and the company will all be willing to help you in their own ways, but YOU are the person responsible for YOUR success. To be successful, you must take full responsibility for your success. Network Marketing, unlike many other kinds of business, will easily allow you to do that. But the point is -- you must do it.

Are you afraid of failing? Well, if you fear failure, that's exactly what you will get -- failure. Fear and desire are the two most powerful motivating forces we have. In many circumstances fear is appropriate. It can save our life. But in reaching for success, we must be without fear. We must be motivated by our desires, not our fears.

You see…we are constantly moving toward that thing which we think about the most, whether we want it or not. If we are always worried about failure, it is always in our mind and in our subconscious, and we will naturally move toward it.

Instead, we should concentrate on our desires, our vision of our own success. As we focus more on that desire for success, we will naturally move toward that goal.

Realize this à Failures are the building blocks to success! You may get 20 NOs before you get a single YES. But you have to go through the NOs in order to get to the YESes. The NOs aren't failures, they are just steps on the way to a YES. When you get the first “No!”, don't get all discouraged and think that the world is unfair. Just think: "Only 19 more to go and I'll have a YES!"

Are you retailing?

In Network Marketing we sometimes get a big head and think that retailing is beneath us…as a business builder we are always looking to sponsor, sponsor, sponsor. But the powerful secret to Network Marketing is this à Duplication!

The ability to duplicate our efforts in others, and for them to duplicate us in still others, and so on, is what allows Network Marketing organizations to grow quickly and profitably. But if you are just concentrating on sponsoring, then you will create a large downline of distributors who don't sell any product. Now what good is that going to do you? If you don't retail, your downline will follow your example and your volume will be negligible.

This indusrt won't work if you don't believe in your product. It should be the easiest thing in the world for you to talk about.

So, talk about it, to everyone you come in contact with, and you will build a retail base that will start to generate excited, profitable distributors.

“Assisting People To Success – One Heart At A time!” SM

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005, 2006, by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lou,

    I have given this much thought and wanted to put my 2 cents worth in. I think that people say "no" because of the fear of the unknown, or fear of themselves that they may be placed in the predictament of "having to do something", or make a stand about something, or make a commitment about something out of their comfort zone, or they just may be plain lazy, I think it is very rarely over lack of money because if that person wants to "really" do something, a person WILL find the money to do it. This is why we must never take a "no" personally because there are 100's of thoughts going through a person's head when the "no" is coming out of their mouths, and it has nothing to do with us.
