Thursday, October 20, 2005

Guide To The Care And Feeding Of Dreams

Every one of us, in our deepest reaches, harbors a few dreams. It may be something we want to accomplish or to finish, or do...someday. They may also need some dusting, or retouching, but we all have a few in there somewhere. So what ever happened to theme?

If you are like most of us,you got married, had children, and slowly all those dreams fell into the background as other, more immediate adult things gained importance.

Well, now is the time to take them out into the sunshine! The seed was planted long ago. So, how do we start to grow and nurture them in the face of our everyday lives, tensions, and sometimes overwhelming stress? Here are a few tips:

The very first step on any journey is to know where you are going. So get reconnected with your dreams and make sure it is still where you want to go.

1. Know your personal passion! You probably already know it and it is your dream! But if you aren't sure, it's good to do a little brainstorming first.

One of the best ways to brainstorm for myself is to go to a quiet place with a pencil and some paper. Don't think of anything just start writing. Write down all your interests from when you were a child until now. Just words, really. Things you like to do, areas you are especially talented in, your accomplishments, your enjoyments, what you dreamed about.

Now, start narrowing your list. What hits you hardest? What employs your emotions? What would you do even if you never got paid? What do you like to talk about most? Chances are, those things are what you are passionate about.

Now check and see if some of these will blend together well. Start stringing them together, and see if you don't come up with a special area, job, or business that you can make out of these special talents and interests you have. Once you are certain of your direction.

2. Think action! Any small action that we take toward our dreams generates excitement. So get started right away even if it is reading a book about it, asking questions on the phone, etc. The action can be anything at all, but it will start to propell you in that direction. Even little goals being reached will add to your faith and determination to press on!

One very important first step can be to write your goals down and date them. It is important to add any additional steps you need to take towards reaching your goal. This clarifies in your mind what you need to do next. In doing this you make a committment to yourself, and pushes you toward even more action!

Now, I know that you may not have a lot of time. As women in our society, we wear many hats. We learn multitasking quickly, (a nice collegiate word for saying we have to do everything at once!) and it is something all of us with children experience!

So start with small steps. When I was overwhelmed, my teacher always asked" how do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time! That is how everything is accomplished, one step at a time. Success never comes in one day, but in many small steps.

2.Cultivate your natural curiosity. Yes, curiosity may have killed the cat, but I bet you she reached her goals and was a happy cat!

This attitude helps you in two very important ways:

First, It keeps you interested in life. Second, you become more open to change. You will begin to see more options for your life, and become less afraid of making them.

Change is the name of the game these days. Those who are the most creative will be the ones that find new opportunities, and respond to them. This always leads to a more successful life.
The best way to cultivate curiosity is to develop a lifelong love of learning.

3. Making a habit of always learning something new. There are so many opportunities for learning now, that you don't even need to leave home! You can take an online class, or receive newsletters in your area of interest. You can also join yahoo or google groups. This makes it very easy for mothers to keep growing and nourishing their ambitions even while taking care of kids at home.

You can also do this by reading. There are wonderful, inspiring books everywhere. This is the information age. Take advantage of it!

Do make some time to take a class at your community college or attend a seminar once in a while. This helps you get to know people in the area of your interest, and you can begin a support group or network that will help keep your dreams alive, and prospering.

Know that your dreams may take time to realize, but with advance preparation and small steps, you will be there when opportunity presents itself.

"Luck is preparation meeting opportunity" Oprah Winfrey

Author: Cindy Oliver
Copyright, 2005

Cindy is the owner of She make handmade glass beads, and aromatherapy vessels. She lives in Mexico, and volunteered in ministry for three years. She helped start a Mexican Corporation for this ministry, which serves the Oaxacan Indians.She is now a stay at home mom, and has homeschooled her 9 year old son for the last 2 1/2 years. In her previous life she worked as an R.N. in Cardiology for 13 years.

"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

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