Network Marketer:
Steps To Persuasively Influencing Others
By Joseph Rubino
Your success in network marketing results from your ability to impact others, guiding them with integrity to take those actions that will contribute to their success.
The following sequence can be utilized to guide almost any conversation in order to maximize persuasive influence. Adhering to these principles will typically create an opening to be heard so that you might impact a desired result.
These areas can be touched upon with the intention of developing a bond with your prospect or new distributor, supporting mutuality, and forwarding the action to the benefit of all involved. Whether it be to conduct a successful network marketing presentation, to create the foundation for a solid business relationship, or to enhance communication with others, the principles still apply to a greater or lesser degree.
First -- Create an opening to be heard. Develop rapport, and establish trust and mutuality.
The key to developing rapport with others is to speak authentically about any of several areas that might be of interest to them. These areas include their family, where they live, their occupation, or their hobbies or passions. Getting to know people and to discover with sincerity what it is like in their world is the first step. It’s the basis to understanding their needs and wants. You can teach yourself to listen for how you might contribute something of value to them. You might open up this conversation by simply saying something like, "Tell me a little bit about yourself.”
Once you understand something about what other peoples’ lives are like and what they value, you can then look to establish mutuality. Mutuality answers the question “What do we have in common that would support all parties involved?”
Establishing rapport and creating an opening to explore mutual benefit is the first step toward creating a level of trust. This foundation of trust creates an opening to be heard and sets the stage to take the conversation to the next level.
Next -- Get their permission to actually find out what is important to them or missing in their life.
The courtesy of asking for their permission to look with them to explore possibilities will create the opening to turn what might have been perceived as an invasion of their privacy into a welcomed mutual conversation for possibilities. You cannot possibly know how you might influence people if you are unaware of what they hold to be of value. Address your desire to look with them to see how you might uncover something of benefit to them with respect to your opportunity.
Let them know that the reason for your request to get to know them better is to see if and where there may be a fit for them with you and your company. If you are meeting a new potential business associate, the conversation could be to explore if your company represents the type of opportunity that he or she is seeking. If you are speaking with a new acquaintance, it might be best to explore what common interests you share.
Letting people know the source of your request to get to know them better will put them at ease and allow them to hear your commitment to them or to the conversation.
Speak your commitment to them in some way.
For an opening to be created to influence another, it is helpful for them to know that you share a commitment to supporting them in some way. At the very least, share your interest in exploring the process to see if together you might uncover some mutual benefit.
You might speak your commitment as, "My intention is to look with you to see if there might be some mutual interest or benefit that could come from exploring the possibilities of joining our company. My commitment is to support your efforts in any way that I can.” You might offer a further commitment that, should they decide to partner with you to build their business, your commitment will be to train them, do three way presentations and offer support to the best of your ability.
Create rich possibilities that inspire others to action.
People will be enrolled in whatever it is you have to offer if you are successful in creating significant enough value for them to want to look further. If people are not interested in exploring possibilities with you, take the perspective that you have not created possibilities that are rich enough for them. Take this interpretation not necessarily because it is true but because it empowers you to take full responsibility for the result you wish to accomplish. When you create enough value, people “get” that you are successful and if they join you, they'll be successful too.
Make a request that forwards the action.
Before you can make such a request, you will have learned enough about people to get a sense of what might be important to them. You will have created a listening opportunity for what you have to say and make an offer that supports them out of your mutual interests. Your request will bring you both closer to whatever your intended result might be. Because your conversation has created the foundation for your request to be heard, you have a much better chance of influencing people in such a way that they are persuaded to comply with your request. Your dealings have been integrity-based. You have focused on leaving others whole. Out of the respectful energy you have created, the people are empowered to want to look with you to see what might be possible in terms of your working in partnership together. As a result, you have influenced them with integrity.
You possess the personal power to be able to both persuade and lead others. Master this art and your business will explode as you lead others in the direction that will bring about their success.
Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed trainer, author, success coach and the CEO of The Center For Personal Reinvention (
He is the author of the best selling book, Secrets Of Building A Million-Dollar Network-Marketing Organization From A Guy Who's Been There Done That And Shows You How To Do It, Too.
His book The Magic Lantern - A Fable About Leadership, Personal Excellence and Empowerment is being called a modern day classic that teaches the essence of leadership development and personal effectiveness.
His personal development masterpieces, The Power To Succeed: 30 Principles For Maximizing Your Personal Effectiveness, Book I and The Power To Succeed: More Principles For Powerful Living have been heralded as the most exciting life-changing books since Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.
Joe is the co-founder of "Conversations For Success", a three-day life-changing course in personal and productivity development for network marketers.
He is also a top distributor and a member of the advisory board of a well-known international network marketing company. He was featured in the Success Magazine cover story entitled, "We Create Millionaires" because of his gift of championing others to succeed.
To order Dr. Joe's books, for information about his courses or to explore working directly with him toward your success in his network marketing company call 800-999-9551 Ext. 870, E-mail to: or visit
"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)
Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC
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