Measuring Success
How does one actually measure or define success? Is it being the greatest in your field? Chairperson of the Board? The highest result taker in an exam? Graduating top of the class?
To me, success is not so much achieving great things or having your name up in lights for winning something or becoming prominent. It is all the little things too, things like actually being able to talk through a computer - hey that's one heck of a world wide achievement.
I wonder if way back when, the people who actually thought of being able to interact through a computer ever dreamed it would be as powerful as it has become.
Success can be something simple like actually getting up out of bed in the morning, awakening to a new day, knowing that you still have your health.
Or it can be something more intense.
It can be a dream finally being realised and the knowledge that you can be proud of these accomplishments.
Either way Success is gained from your belief in what you are doing, what you want to achieve and more importantly how you go about realising that goal.
I think though that my greatest success in life is not so much achieving what I have achieved so far Internet wise but in fact achieving the goal of being a WAHM. {Work At Home Mum} Being able to turn off the computer when my children need me, whether it be at home, at play or a school activity.
Being able to switch off Work Mode when Mother Mode is more important. I have never felt so fulfilled as a working parent than I do now.
Being able to drop ANYTHING when 'MUM!' is yelled, has to be my greatest success in life. Just being there to watch my boys grow every step of the way is just such a joy.
Success is watching my children grow day by day. Seeing them master a new step in their life. Both my children suffer from different forms of dislexia, and watching them each day being able to read, write, speak and interact with family and friends brings on a special meaning to life.
Most of all I believe success is what YOU define it to be, NOT what others see it as. Your Success is only Defined by the boundaries that YOU create.
It is only driven by your understanding of what you want to achieve. The Goals themselves cannot be measured by time nor by monetary gain, but by believing in what you so desire them to be.
So no matter how success is measured or defined, it is what YOU believe it is that counts.
Author: Jo Walker
Copyright 2005
Jo Walker is a Freelance Website Designer and Virtual Assistant who runs her International Virtual Business thehomeoffice, out of her home in Wellington, New Zealand. She is a staunch supporter of home based businesses.
"Assisting People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)
Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC
NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!
Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved
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