Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Don't Ever Give It Up! - Give It TIME!
by Sue Seward

Network Marketing takes time and effort. It's not always a piece of cake! In fact, we've got to start thinking more in terms of it being a marathon and not a sprint!

My husband Clif runs marathons. I know how much time and training it takes for him to be able to do this! He did not just wake up one morning and say "I think I'll go run a marathon next weekend!". He had to train for months and months. He learns something new about himself each time he runs and in the next marathon he improves his time. But he trains for each one!

Network Marketing doesn't happen overnight and you do not get rich in a few short months or even in a year. As professionals it is time to stop the insane hype that seems to abound in our industry because it can be detrimental to all of us!

We have all heard of these huge incomes which have happened for a few. You know the ones you read about in magazines who say they got a check for a bil-zillion dollars in a few short months or they quit their full time job in a few short months. Then these rare few go out and shout about all the money they made so quickly and make everyone think it was so easy!

This just isn't the reality of the industry. We've got to get realistic here. Until people start developing realistic goals, they will continue to frustrate themselves and most will quit Network Marketing when they see that it really doesn't happen in a few short months like they read about or were told!

It took me over a year and a half to really get to know what I was doing and to actually learn what this business is all about.

I'm still learning everyday! I have gotten checks while learning, not huge obscene money, but still a nice check comes in handy every week. I realize that I am underpaid in the beginning but I know what the future holds for me as I stay on the consistent path I'm on, and building leaders is my goal!

First I had to build myself up as a leader so I could teach others. Building leadership within your team is really how you will achieve long term success in Network Marketing. Without doing this you might as well be ready to start all over in a few years.

Ask people, who say they quit their jobs in 6 months or a year to do Network Marketing full time, realistically, how many hours did they have to spend in the beginning to make that kind of money so quickly. And what sort of sacrifices did they have to make?

It might be a lot easier for say a single guy named Joe ON THE GO with no wife, no kids, no house or responsibilities to care for, etc. Joe can concentrate 16 to 18 hours a day on this Network Marketing Business with no one to answer to, no kids to take to ballgames, no diapers to change, no dinner to cook, no house to clean, no homework to help with, no groceries to shop for, no significant other to give attention to, hearing where's my dinner, my shirts, what have you been doing all day? Is there anyone out there that can relate to what I'm saying here?

I am certainly not trying to make excuses for anyone here. What I am saying is that everyone's situation is different. Many people start in Network Marketing part-time. They have to work it around their job or around their very busy LIFE!

Most people have full time jobs and extremely busy lives! I know that I do! But anyone can still do Network Marketing and build up to full time if they really take the little time they DO have and put some concentrated consistent effort into it. They will need to be extremely productive with that valuable precious time they do have!

Some people are simply happy with a part-time income from Network Marketing. Just be realistic about the time frame involved according to your own particular situation and make sure you are sensitive to this fact in other people's lives!

When you decide that you want to change your career and start your own business and choose Network Marketing decide right then and there that you've got to have a 3 to 5 year plan. Or you can adjust that time frame according to your own situation at the time. Maybe you are Joe ON THE GO above and have more time to invest than others might have.

Just think how long people stay in traditional jobs to retirement? 20, 25, 30 years? Then what do they have? And if you start a traditional business it will most likely take you at least 2 to 3 years to break even or maybe even longer.

My husband, Clif and I had this discussion last night. He told me how long it would take him to start making a profit if he were to start his own Land Surveying business. He said at least 4 years and he would have to spend a ton of money to even start his business. If the economy goes so does his business! So there's a lot of risk involved! Not to mention he would have to have an employee or two!

You also have a tremendous amount of overhead in a traditional business usually, depending on what sort of business you start. Start up cost are usually much higher than in starting your Network Marketing business.

In traditional business you still have to work hard, give it daily consistent effort, contact many many people, focus and commit, have desire, develop a PLAN, be organized, manage your time wisely....etc....the same goes for Network Marketing!

Find what many other people want and need. Become passionate about it. Use the products yourself so you will become passionate and enthusiastic about what you are doing! Other people will see this! Walk your talk!

Be patient and stick with it. Be coachable......find a good sponsor and upline support team to work with you, not build it for you. Stayed focused. That means reading everything you can about your company, the industry, and develop yourself personally.

Stay in touch constantly with your upline, downline and crossline. It is extremely crucial that you stay in the loop! There are a lot of negative people out there that would love to bring you down! Trust me!

Hook up with positive like minded people who also have the desire to succeed. Look for successful business minded people in your community. Learn all you can from them and bring them into your business. If this is not for them then ask for referrals.

Can you do this business alone? Yes you could, but it could be much tougher. AND, that would be similar to being in a traditional business wouldn't it?

Remember to always think of the other person first, and ask them questions....take an interest in other people and sincerely try to help them without thinking of the outcome it will bring to you. When you do this people will gravitate towards you.

There are two things that are absolutely crucial to your success in this business:

*Being consistent on a daily basis with your contacts
*Following up in a timely manner

If you are not doing something everyday for your business, you will fall behind slowly. Soon two days will go by, then three days, then four, then all of a sudden you are out! Caput! Finished! QUIT!

So do something EVERYDAY to make a contact either by email, postal mail, phone, or in person. Do whatever you can to make that commitment to do something everyday! This is so important.

How successful you are really depends on how many contacts you actually make but you must remember to:

FOLLOW UP!!!!!!!!

This is where most people drop the ball! I've seen it so many times with people and I admit I have also been guilty of not following up on occasion. It happens to the best of us! Sometimes it becomes very difficult to do it all! So................remember...........

If you cannot follow up in a timely manner go upline or downline and ask someone to follow up with your prospect for you.

This is so crucial!!! I cannot stress this one thing enough. Not following up will kill your business efforts! This is why a TEAM effort if SO invaluable to you!

Can you imagine being a 22 year old and discovering Network Marketing as your niche, finding the right mentor, support team, and giving it 3 to 5 years of consistent efforts and being set for life! I would love to have found this industry when I was 22!

Well no matter how young or old you are you can still benefit from Network Marketing!

Being an optimistic person, I am happy that I found Network Marketing when I did, and just dove in and gave it my all. I am one of the ones who is NOT giving it up, no matter how much time it takes!

NOTE: Sue Seward has been a student of the Network Marketing Industry for over 10 years. She has been a Stay At Home Business Mom for 8 years. Previous to this she was in the Customer Service/Marketing industry for over 10 years. She is a Professional Network Marketer that is very focused on promoting the industry in general. You can reach her via email at SSeward930@aol.com.

"Assising People To Success - One Heart At A Time!" (SM)

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at: LouEverettSr@yahoo.com, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

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