Wednesday, September 07, 2005

“In Network Marketing & Life - Dream BIG…Think BIG!”

In your dreams for success do you collect up dreams that are easily achieved, or do you “Dream BIG?” Are your dreams BIGGER than most would ever consider?

In Network Marketing and in life, you must create a plan that includes thoughts and dreams that are BIGGER than you are -- dreams that will s t r e t c h your mind in all possibilities.

All truly successful people understand the concept of dreaming BIG; of thinking BIG. And, because of this type of success thinking, you and I are reaping the benefits.

Just look at all the fantastic modern conveniences we have. Each was created by someone who had BIG dreams; who thought BIG.

Look at all the successful Network Marketers since the inception of our GREAT Profession. They are people who have had HUGE dreams and LOFTY goals.

What’s truly awesome about having HUGE dreams and LOFTY goals is that we are all capable of having them. What is something you would like to achieve in your life that most people think is impossible? What is something you would like to achieve in Network Marketing that most would consider impossible?

Think BIG, here! “Dream BIG!” Put these thoughts, dreams and goals, into a plan, and GO FOR IT!

Remember this: We are what we consistently think about. Like the proverb says, “As a man thinketh so is he.”

Yes! We are what we think about! It’s this philosophy that we must allow to take over our lives. It is the only way to true success in life and Network Marketing. Once you begin to adopt this philosophy, and apply it in your life, all sorts of doors open up. Great excitement and adventure will poor into your life.

Think about it! If you never dream BIG about all the successes you want in your life, you will never give them the opportunity to manifest themselves.

So, get started NOW! “Dream BIG!” - “Think BIG!” - “Think ‘SUCCESS!’” Come up with a long term plan. Start with some short term goals that you can achieve quick. This will assist you in getting started with consistent action steps in the right direction.

You have the vehicle…..Network Marketing. You just need to climb in that vehicle, “Dream BIG," and ride your way to success.

“Assisting People To Success – One Heart At A Time!” (SM)

Lou Everett, Sr., NWMC

NOTE: If you would like a FREE coaching session, please send me an e-mail at:, with the word "Coaching" in the Subject, and your full name and phone number in the Body. Thanks!

Copyright 2005 by Lou Everett, Sr. All Rights Reserved

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